Bacillus Anthracis Real-time PCR Kit

Product Code
Kit Principle
Goat/Sheep Test Kits



This Bacillus Anthracis Real-time PCR Kit is to detect Bacillus anthracisin nasal (pharyngeal) swabs, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.  which is rapid, accurate and easy-to-operate.

Background on Bacillus Anthracis

Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria known as Bacillus anthracis. It occurs naturally in soil and commonly affects domestic and wild animals around the world. People can get sick with anthrax if they come in contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products. Anthrax can cause severe illness in both humans and animals. Domestic and wild animals can become infected when they breathe in or ingest spores in contaminated soil, plants, or water. These animals can include cattle, sheep, goats, antelope, and deer. In areas where domestic animals have had anthrax in the past, routine vaccination can help prevent outbreaks.

Introduction of Bacillus Anthracis Real-time PCR Kit

This Bacillus Anthracis Real-time PCR Kit uses Taqman fluorescent probes for amplification and detection of Bacillus anthracis (B. anthracis). anthracis gene, which can be applied to Bacillus anthracis (B. anthracis) in blood, skin lesions, nasal (pharyngeal) swabs, cerebrospinal fluid and other samples anthracis nucleic acid detection.

Application of Bacillus Anthracis Real-time PCR Kit

This kit is suitable for Bacillus Anthracis testing in cattle and goat.

Kit Components

  • Positive Control
  • Negative Control
  • PCR reaction solution

More on Bacillus Anthracis